Sunday, February 17, 2013

Why Should You Stick to Your Job?

Arslan Raza : With a lot of uncertainty going on in the business world, jobs are hard to come by and anyone already employed well should think twice or even more times before giving

it up for some idealistic pursuits or on emotional grounds or for another job paying marginally more and decisions should be strictly based on cold logic and well thought out.


Drastic makeovers to be Planned

Many may question that as clichéd thinking as there are many examples of high risk takers who achieved success by a change over from routine ten to five jobs and it is widely believed that one has to put something on the line to achieve a higher goal. In many ways it is true in areas such as creative fields, inventive explorations etc. where there are many inbuilt risks within the job environment itself and an outsider hitting it off or flopping on first go is equally applicable to others. But a person having a background education and training in specific areas has a restrictive scope and success in other fields of activity is not guaranteed unless one trains in the new area of activity. Amitabh Bachhan was a sales representative before he decided to take up acting as a career and joined the Film and Television Institute to get the necessary training for a successful career as an actor.


Minor irritants should not be reason for quitting

Except for rare once in a blue moon type occasions like when there was a boom in the IT industry and the IT Companies went out of the way like going for Campus selections on a higher scale to recruit people and ensure adequate reserves/ bench strength to meet windfall opportunities, the job markets all over the world are not always open for sudden overnight switchovers. Anyone leaving a job suddenly on a whim or minor frictions with bosses or other authorities/peers may have a long wait on their hands to land another equally well paying or even nearly a good job as the one he/she just quit. It is better to swallow a little bit of pride sometimes to hold on to a job as, many times, criticism becomes the reason to quit. Criticisms should be taken positively as a way to improve oneself and in a worst case scenario the situation will only change for the better at some juncture. So, it is better to put up with minor irritants and take positives from it rather than taking any drastic steps like quitting the job.


Longevity of Experience counts as a factor for future jobs

Frequent (job) changes are not viewed upon kindly by prospective employers, who perceive the same will happen in the job under consideration also. An employee who has served with one employer for some considerable duration is always considered a better prospect as it is viewed as loyalty towards the employer and preference is given to such candidates. The frequent job changers also do not acquire the same depth of experience to deal with different situations as another experienced individual would have and therefore have better prospects of landing good jobs as and when they do make a change. The attitude of a frequent job changer is also under question and prospective employers may view this as a temperamental issue in getting along with peers and bosses.
Finally, an individual who sticks to his/her job even while facing some difficulties and challenges definitely stands a better chance to gain from it in the long run and be in the good books of his bosses and get benefits in direct proportion to the both the length of service and kind of work performance he/she has put in than a newcomer or someone who has already quit the job.